Privacy Policy

Welcome to (the “Site”). We recognize the importance of privacy for users of our Site, particularly in business activities. This document outlines our privacy practices for users of the Site, both those who visit without engaging in business and those who register to engage in business on the Site and utilize the various services offered by Mayro Construction (collectively, “Services”) (“Authorized Users”).

“Personally Identifiable Information” (PII) refers to data that can identify or be used to identify, contact, or locate the individual to whom it pertains. This includes, but is not limited to, name, address, phone number, email address, financial profiles, social security numbers, and credit card details. PII does not encompass information collected anonymously (without identifying the individual) or demographic data not linked to an identified person.

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information: Basic user profile information is collected from all our Visitors. Additional data collected from our Authorized Users includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, as well as information about the business’s size and nature and the details of the advertising inventory that the Authorized User plans to buy or sell.

Information Collection Entities: Beyond our direct collection efforts, third-party service providers (such as credit card processors, insurance companies, and escrow services) may collect this information from our Visitors and Authorized Users. We request these third parties to explain their use of personal information obtained from Visitors and Authorized Users. Some third parties serve only as links in the distribution chain, not storing, retaining, or using the information provided to them.

Usage of Personally Identifiable Information: PII is used to personalize the Site, tailor service offerings, and fulfill transaction requests on the Site. We may communicate with Visitors and Authorized Users about research, purchase, and selling opportunities on the Site or information relevant to the Site’s subject matter. PII is also used to respond to specific queries or provide requested data.

Information Sharing: PII about Authorized Users may be shared with other Authorized Users to facilitate potential transactions. We may distribute aggregated data about our Visitors and Authorized Users, including demographics, to our partners and third-party vendors. Users have the option to opt out of receiving information or being contacted by us or by any representative on our behalf.

PII Storage: PII collected by Mayro Construction is stored securely and is inaccessible to third parties or employees of Mayro Construction, except as specified above.

User Choices: Visitors and Authorized Users can opt out of unsolicited communications or contact by following instructions in emails or via our contact information on our Contact Page,

Cookie Usage: Cookies are utilized for various purposes, including understanding Visitor preferences and securing Authorized Users. For instance, if an Authorized User is logged in and inactive for more than 10 minutes, we automatically log them off.

Login Information Usage: Mayro Construction analyzes login information, such as IP addresses and browser types, to manage the Site, track usage, and gather broad demographic data.

Partner and Provider Access: Our partners and affiliates may access necessary PII to evaluate Authorized Users for service eligibility. Our privacy practices do not extend to their collection or use of this information.

Legal Compliance and Security: We disclose PII to comply with legal processes or when necessary to protect our Visitors and Authorized Users. Although we take reasonable steps to secure our site and data, we cannot guarantee security against all risks.

Correcting Inaccuracies: Visitors and Authorized Users can correct or update their PII by contacting us via our Contact Page.

Deactivation and Deletion: Users may request to delete or deactivate their PII from our database, although some residual information may remain due to backups and records of deletions.

Privacy Policy Modifications: Changes to our privacy policy will be communicated via the Site. If changes could lead to disclosure of previously non-disclosed PII, we will contact affected individuals to prevent such disclosure.

External Links: Our Site includes links to other websites. We advise reading the privacy policies of these external sites, as their practices may differ from ours.